After our Christmas lunch we like to play a few games before the big meal takes hold.
Sometimes its a game of cricket, a 3-legged race or trivial pursuit depending on how active you feel.
Last time the day was celebrated at our place (it was 12 degrees & we were seated outside!) I put together this little game for everyone to share. It had easy things like "eat too much" 'wish someone a merry christmas" "find a chair to sit on" (that can be harder than you think) "tell a christmas joke" (easier when you crack open a cracker) & "score 20 points on the dart board".
We also had to write a christmas poem.
Each person was given the sheet without the stickers & once you had achieved the challenge in the square you got a sticker! The poems were written on the back & weren't that daunting once we got going, egging each other on, laughing & offering suggestions.
Hayley's is here, seems to be the only one I've kept - if you can't read it, it goes...
Christmas time is lots of fun
It's good to catch up with everyone!
Eating, drinking, telling jokes
The Kents are a bunch of funny folks
The Mums have made lots of nibbles to eat
but save some room for the christmas meat
I hope that you all have a ball
a very merry christmas to you all
Is it going to be hot or cold or wet this year on Christmas Day?? Summer seems to have deserted us again, we had 8mls of rain yesterday & our tanks are full again!
Erin is off to her last day of school tomorrow, roll on the school holidays!