Inside her bag was her report which is very good, her teacher summed her up well with snippets like ' Erin prefers to be a listener rather than a contributor in class discussions' 'pleasure to teach' 'trusted to work co-operatively' 'set a good example' 'relied upon' 'caring & polite' etc. It is a very positive report with a few areas that still need to be worked upon, overall we are very proud of her efforts
These cherry candy canes are very popular this year & are disappearing faster than the mint ones.
Aren't these little trees sweet??
Congrats to Erin on a very positive school report. After all her hard work she deserves and fun, relaxing summer. Enjoy Erin! Two weeks to go Jo, and I still haven't posted a single Christmas card. Starting to sweat over it a little now! Finished my Christmas shopping today though - Wooohoo!! This week has been chaos! Hopefully things will settle down a bit next week....wishful thinking perhaps :)