I received this little surprise in the mail today...
4 lovely chippies to use in my scrapping from the very kind Leeann Pearce all the way from Kalgoorlie!
The land of blog makes us feel as if we know each other like friends, as if we are just around the corner. It is just the motivation I need at the moment to get reinspired. Between 2 trips to the hospital to do competency testing & lecturing I managed to make a card & a layout today (but you should see the mess!)
After reading Anita's blog this morning I was thinking about all the crafts I have tried over the years, mostly with my mothers guidance...
Folk art painting - lots of paints still left over & most of the projects packed away as I veered away from 'country' decorating style.
Card making - some of those supplies still come in handy
Paper tole - maybe thats where my love of paper came about
Cross stitch - oh the hours I put into that craft, & I still love those projects I made, one of them a stitched clock face for my sister & a family tree piece with all the grandchildren's names.
Tapestry, long-stitch. a dabble with quilting, (I ambitiously started a 2000 piece quilt for the year 2000, got about 200 pieces into it & gave up) are amongst the things I have tried. Have done a little knitting & have a whole 2 scarves to show for it, seems like crocheting is making a big comeback - might have to try something small to start off with. A portable hobby would be a bonus!!
Funny though, our local scrap shop is half of the old wool shop, maybe the wool sales will claw back some of the market share!
Aren't Leeann's chippies wonderful? I got some too and almost got to meet her when she was here..unfortunately we missed each other..next time.. I'm hopeless at knitting and my friend's tried to teach me crochet twice..maybe 3rd time lucky? Gx