Friday, July 17, 2009


Posting after a few wines may not be such a good idea...

but having a few wines at the end of the week has been.

I spent the day with my sister scrapping some of the travel album I'm putting together from my Mexico trip in '81. Then I came home to...a lovely clean house! Hayley had cleaned up a storm today, dusting, vacuuming, dishes, laundry & other cleaning, then went to work tonight at Taco bill...what is she up to????

Just means for me I don't have to do much tomorrow which is a lovely feeling. Hope I don't wake up tomorrow with a sore head from tonight's imbibing.

(Don't think I've ever hit the back space button so much in one post as I have now, might have to proof read tomorrow!)

1 comment:

  1. Hope your head is okay btw can I please borrow place is a mess!! :)
