Friday, April 24, 2009


I've been stimulated!!!!

Thanks Kev.

But wouldn't you know it, when a $900 bonus comes in one hand it wants to go straight out with the other.

I went to open the fridge door & it came off! One of the hinges at the top just sheared straight off & it was hanging on a pivot point. Its only about 17 years old & has had many many openings & closings. The motor works really well despite a thick coating of dust behind it, & the top houses wallets, phones, pens & gum. Perhaps it was the weight of all the notices, bills, lists, artworks & reminders that adorn it that took its toll. Maybe it was the responsibility of keeping us all updated on where we should be each day but I just thought it would keep on keeping on for ever. The whole unit has been so reliable I was a bit shocked when it let me down. It has been more than a place to keep things cold or frozen, it has been a central, reliable part of the family.

I don't want to spend the stimulus package money on a new fridge so we'll see how long Chris' Mr Fixit job will last.
Hopefully another 17 years.

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