Monday, February 9, 2009


A quiz about your first born...

1. Were you married at the time?

2. What were your reactions when you found out you were pregnant?
Thrilled to bits!

3. How old were you?

4.How did you find out?
I did a home pregnancy test after I missed a period.We were actively trying & in those days you had to wait weeks before you could do an accurate over the counter test.

5. Who did you tell first?
Chris. He knew I was going to the doctor for the confirmation.

6. Did you want to find out the sex?
It wasn't an option in those days.Sounds like I gave birth in the last century - oh thats right I did!!! but it wasn't available then.

7. Due date?
7th August 1988 by the doc's calculation.

8. Did you deliver late or on time?
3 days overdue, if I or she had waited another 12 hours she would have been born on 8-8-88 but I wasn't hanging on any longer & my BP had started to get high.

9. Did you have morning sickness?
If I got really hungry I would feel sick.

10. What did you crave?
Nothing in particular.

11. Who/what irritated you the most?
I don't remember anything or one irritating me. I do remember worrying about how we would manage without my income (no paid maternity leave either in the dim dark ages)

12. What was your first child's sex?
Girl .

13. How many pounds did you gain throughout pregnancy?
About 8 kgs all up.

14. Did you have any complications during pregnancy?
Just a bit of high BP towards the end. I loved being pregnant & felt great throughout.

15. Where did you give birth?
Essendon District Hospital

16. How many hours were you in labour?
12 hours - long enough!

17. Who drove you to the hospital?

18. Who watched?
Chris & I moaned & groaned through 2 shifts of midwives, the doc turned up at the very end to wave the forceps around.

19. Was it natural or c-section?
Natural... if you call the 'big tongs' as Chris calls them, natural.

20. Did you take medication to ease the pain?
One shot of Pethidine that did very little & gas that made me feel yuk & still the pain!

21. How much did your child weigh?
7lb 7oz.

22. Did your child have any complications?
She was really well but tired, she'd had a rough time too, & had a bruise on her head from being 'face forward'.

23. What did you name her?
Hayley Brooke...just because we liked it. She was almost Hannah, Imogen or Grace (or Alistair John if she was a he) I had almost completed a cross-stitch & left a space for either name.

24. How old is your first born today?
She'll be 21 in a few months, I told you it was a long time ago!!!

She has turned into such a lovely young lady, she was a lovely baby as well & we learned how to be parents along the way.

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