Saturday, August 8, 2009


Just sat down for the first time today, with a wine, to take a breath.

Phew that is good.

Its been a hectic day preparing, cleaning, cooking & decorating. Just a few more things to do before the guests arrive tomorrow at 1pm. I'll take some photos of all the food when I lay it out on the fancy dishes I have collected from friends & family.

During the day Erin borrowed the camera & came in saying how she had set up this shot by misting the clover with a spray bottle. I like the colour & the effect. The photography bug in this house is rubbing off. (How lucky to have an abundance of clover to play with!)

Anything to get out of tidying her room.

1 comment:

  1. I love this photo. It's so much work to have guests, no? It seems to be worth it in the end! Looking forward to pics of the spread!
