Saturday, September 28, 2013

A mixed up week...

What a week it has been. Now that I am on holidays I can reflect on that hectic time.

Monday started with Erin and her friend going in to the Melbourne Show on the train while I was at work. I was thinking about her all day, how she was navigating train timetables, platform changes and vomit inducing rides. She did well.
Meanwhile I was at work trying to navigate my own way through National Standards introduction, Risk Registers and Quality improvement strategies. Not my favourite things but these will consume my non clinical time until 2015. After that I will need more than a Bex and a good lie down.
Thankfully there was no tennis on Monday night because I had to go back to the hospital for a doctors meeting. To tell them about the National Standards. How did I get into this?!?

Tuesday was another busy, but good, clinical day. No school run in the mornings means a leisurely arrival.

Wednesday I had another intense day of the National Standards steep learning curve at a National Symposium in the city. I had to choose whether to battle the traffic or battle the train travel. I chose the latter. And I always regret it at the end of the day. And I got back too late to go for our usual training run. I probably needed it more that day than any other lately as my head was overflowing with information. At least the food was good and I came home with a notebook full of prompts, suggestions and ideas.

Thursday I tried to tidy up loose ends during our busy day so I could have a week off. No tennis or guitar during the holidays also means a leisurely departure from the building.

Friday Erin and I had a little drive in the country to Romsey to check out their gift shops and cafes. Not a lot to see but we had a nice day. A training run in the afternoon topped off the day.

Last weekend was the local Relay for Life and luckily it wasn't this weekend, the rain and wind would have made them miserable. I had a good catch up with a friend who told me about the banjo ukulele. I want to learn how to play the banjo so maybe that is an option?

Today we went back to the jeans shop and this time I got jeans. Finally some that fit well so I don't need a belt! On the way back I was spoken to by a motor cycle copper. As I was following a tram down the narrow Sydney Rd I wasn't in the lane properly, he told me 'there are 2 lanes, pick one'. I'm sure he meant it in the nicest possible way!

And as I look out my window into the burgeoning grape vine, I know it is Spring. I can see pigeons procreating.

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