Sunday, June 12, 2011


still sick today but a bit better, good enough to go out to lunch today.

We didn't venture far, just up the road to Myrniong to eat at the Plough Inn. It used to be called the 'Myrniong Pub'  and was a pretty ordinary blue stone pub. They have done a lot of work on it and turned it into a classy place.

The food was delicious and the menu was varied and tempting. I had a pork belly dish with red cabbage and mushrooms, it was tender and tasty. Not a dish I would ever attempt at home and I was very pleased. Also consumed were lamb shanks, fish & chips, lamb tasting plate and seafood linguine. All the details were perfect from the complimentary appetisers to the coconut macaroon with our coffee.

While I am typing this, Masterchef is on in the background and I realise that I have never eaten duck. Is it supposed to be so pink when its cooked? I'll have to try that next time I'm out, I'd never attempt that at home either.

I hope I feel like doing some gardening tomorrow, some things need a trim, I heard an adage 'prune in June' which works for us in Australia. We are getting a bob-cat in this week so I am looking forward to finally finishing the backyard.

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